Making Your Moments Spiritual - Let's expand our affinity to Be and extend love. Let's transform to Love.

Get to Know Reverend Bev Raymond
As a long-time spiritual student, in 2017 I was spiritually led to attend a 2 year ministerial program through Pathway's of Light Spiritual College. I was ordained in 2019. I am continuing my spiritual studies and am currently taking courses to become a Science of Mind Practitioner.
My Story:
For much of my life I focused on my individual identity and ego and lived in a regular state of fear, a fear of not being good enough.
The constant striving for perfection blocked my joy and peace. However, the universal principles taught in A Course In Miracles as well as Unity and Science of Mind have been a catalyst for me to more consistently distance myself from focusing on the separateness of my ego and to more consistently express from my Christ Consciousness.
Rather than focusing on and projecting fear, I focus on my inherent Oneness with all and extend love.
tend a 2 year ministerial program through Pathways of Light Spiritual College. I was ordained in 2019. I am continuing my spiritual studies and currently attend seminary at Unity Worldwide Spiritual Institute.
Would you like to experience more joy in your life? Studying a Course in Miracles and related courses from Pathways of Light has helped me on my own journey to peace of mind and joy. I have emphasized living the principles found in a Course In Miracles in every aspect of my life. I want to assist others as we both mutually awaken and transform from fear to love.
As a facilitator of Pathways of Light course and groups, I offer others the opportunity of awakening spiritually by phone, internet, or in person. Whatever the setting, I create a warm, open, and nurturing atmosphere where people feel comfortable exploring and sharing their feelings.